Friday, June 02, 2006

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[quote]While we don't question his motives, we do question his assumptions. When he called for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq, there was a sense of respectful disagreement among most military personnel. But when he subsequently stated that he would not join today's military, he made clear to the majority of us that he is out of touch with the troops. Quite frankly, it was received as a slap in the face[/quote]

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Murtha again

And I do…

I question his motives
I question his caring about soul
I question his concern about morale
And the fighting spirit as a whole

I question his sanity
His honor his memory and guts
He looks and acts like an ol fat never was
Who needs a good swift kick in the nuts

I question every fiber in his being
I question his tactics and motivation
I don't think he gives one faint whiff
About those in service to this great nation

I question his belief in love and honor
His sensitivity to brothers sisters and wives
His respect for the sacrifice being made
Especially those who have given their lives

I question his loyalty to the United States
I question he has a functioning brain
I see him taking a sick narcissistic joy
In his political sociopathic attempts

At inflicting the maximum pain

I think he is an old wheezer geezer posing
In reverse drag as the new Hanoi Jane
I think he is the New Winter Soldier
Who worships at the false flame of fame

10:33 am
transcribed this time
4:54 pm



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